Developing Sustainable Programming Skills

So, you've already understood your programming language quite well, know what git and version control are, and know the basic concepts and tools of your programming language.

Now you need to grow a new piece of programming brain. You need to learn to think quickly in your programming language and solve typical micro-tasks.

Nothing but practice will help you here, of course.

Choose one resource where you'll solve problems, and where problems are divided by difficulty categories.

There's no point in solving something completely elementary; you should have already learned to solve such problems.

If we're looking at Codewars, your goal is to learn to solve 6-5 kyu fairly quickly, using your own brain without much googling and especially without LLM.

Please, dear reader. Try to think by yourself for at least 15 minutes before looking for help outside.

Save all your problem solutions, create a repository on GitHub, organize it well and push.

Don't get too carried away - 100-150 honestly completed tasks should advance you to the needed level and skills we're talking about here.

If you didn't choose Codewars, then start with simple tasks and go up in difficulty to tasks with solutions of about 30 lines of code and problems that require thinking.

If you just click through 150 simple tasks with 5-line solutions from different platforms - it won't help.

Last updated